Business proposal for drawing business opportunities from the untapped news, publishing, and legal assistance market and the huge voting block of dissatisfied users of the judicial and legal systems and the victims of wrongdoing judges by taking advantage of the Presidential Election Campaign


Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England
M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School
D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris
Judicial Discipline Reform
New York City,,,,


Dear Lawyers, Journalists, and Recruiters,


  1. 1. This is a business proposal for developing the business opportunities available in the untapped market of judicial unaccountability reporting and the voting bloc of dissatisfied users of the judicial and legal systems and victims of unaccountable, wrongdoing judges by taking advantage of the 2016 Campaign. It is based on my study of the judiciary and its judges:

Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and
Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing:
Pioneering the news and publishing field of
judicial unaccountability reporting


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  1. I submit that it is in your business interest to read jur:21§§1-3, which discuss official statistics, reports, and statements revealing how unaccountability entices judges to grab benefits through wrongdoing that is riskless for them but harmful to millions of parties and other people.


  1. My study contains a business proposal that will appeal to you and your journalist- and lawyer-clients. It concerns the money to be made:


  1. a) “Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting”(jur:119§E); and


  1. b) advising and representing the many parties who having learned that the judges in their cases failed to respect the injunction in their codes of conduct, i.e., to “avoid even the appearance of improprieties”123a, will want to retain your lawyer-clients celebrated(ol:258¶18) for having exposed such improprieties, to recuse the judges, vacate their decisions, reopen and retry their cases, and obtain compensation for the material, physical, and moral harm that they caused those parties; other people and entities who were foreseeably harmed by those judges will also prefer to hire your clients because of their expertise in the issue.


  1. Judging from the flood of motions provoked by cases of judicial wrongdoing and police corruption, this market is likely to be huge1. This is especially so if it implicates judges who have been on the bench for a long time, are sitting on the highest court of their jurisdiction, and have operated in coordination with other judges and parties, e.g., trustees(jur:32§§2-5), guardians, and others whom they appointed, and lawyers who appeared before them, all of whom form a deep pocket.


  1. Cf. The Youth Law Center helped expose the ‘kids for cash’ case where judges in PA sent juveniles to for-profit youth jails, which were paid by the state per juvenile housed therein and gave the judges kickbacks. It reached a $2.5 million settlement in a class action against the jails.


  1. Doctors, police officers, priests, and their respective institutions can be held accountable and liable. They are precedent for treating judges and judiciaries likewise. Judges’ wrongdoing can be the outrageous issue that each of the all-too many presidential candidates needs to stand out of the pack. One can become the Champion of the millions of Judicial Victims, who constitute a huge untapped voting bloc. Journalists covering such candidate as they keep exposing judges’ wrongdoing can benefit from ‘scandal sells copy’ for years to come and win a Pulitzer Prize.


  1. 7. Your team of journalists and lawyers can expose the “appearance”(ol:265) of unaccountable judges running a bankruptcy fraud scheme(jur:xxxv); audit judges’ decisions in search for connections, patterns, and trends of wrongdoing(jur:132§§3-6); probe the NSA for involvement in the electronic concealment of funds(ol:190§§A,B); and publish a report(jur:122§§2-3) at a multimedia public conference(jur:97§1) to which all presidential candidates are invited(ol:253), causing a scandal that changes our government and politics.


  1. The below statement elaborates on exposing judges’ wrongdoing as a business venture that takes promotional advantage of the 2016 Election.


  1. 9. I offer to present this proposal to you and your clients at a video conference or in person. Thus, I look forward to hearing from you.


This letter is at >ol:271

Dare trigger history(* >jur:7§5)…and you may enter it.



Business proposal

for drawing business opportunities from the untapped

news, publishing, and legal assistance market and

the huge voting block of dissatisfied users of the legal and judicial systems

and the victims of wrongdoing judges

by taking advantage of the Presidential Election Campaign


* >ol:272


This article may be republished and redistributed, provided it is

in its entirety and without any addition, deletion, or modification,

and credit is given to its author, Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.




Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.

Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England

M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School

D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris

Judicial Discipline Reform

New York City,,,


  1. The market of dissatisfied users of our judicial system, in general, and victims of wrongdoing judges, in particular, is huge. Judges are unaccountable(ol:190¶¶1-7) so they risklessly disregard the facts and the law applicable to cases and grab benefits by abusing their enormous power over people’s property, liberty, and the rights and duties that determine their lives: In the last 226 years since the creation of the Federal Judiciary in 1789, only 8 federal judges have been impeached and removed(jur:21§a).


  1. Compare14 this to the 2,217 federal judges, including justices and magistrates, in office13 on September 30, 2013; and to all the members of Congress, which only has 535 of them, who have been on the news, censured, or imprisoned for wrongdoing15.


  1. Once politicians recommend, nominate, and confirm a person to a federal judgeship, they hold him or her unaccountable for fear of retaliation17a. If you enjoyed life-tenure and could treat the people you did business with however you wanted, would you be tempted to abuse your power for your benefit?


  1. The analysis of this untapped market is part of my study of the Federal Judiciary and its judges, the only ones who affect the national public and who are the models for their state counterparts:

Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing:

Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting(* >jur:1)



  1. The proposed business has two aspects, each of which is a profit center(jur:119§1):


  1. “Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting”(jur:81§1), from your journalist-clients investigating and disseminating related news to the creation of a research, publishing, educational, advocacy, and for-profit institute(jur:130§5)


  1. advising and representing the countless parties who having learned that the judges in their cases failed to respect the injunction in their codes of conduct, i.e., to “avoid even the appearance of improprieties”123a, will retain your lawyer-clients celebrated(ol:271¶5) for having exposed such improprieties, to recuse those judges, vacate their decisions, reopen and retry their cases, and obtain compensation for the material, physical, and moral harm that they caused the parties; other people and entities who were foreseeably harmed by those judges will also seek out your lawyers because of their expertise in the issue(ol:256§§1,2).


  1. To estimate the size of this untapped market of dissatisfied users of the judicial system, including those who have fallen victim to wrongdoing judges, consider the following:


  1. more than 100 million people are parties to the more than 50 million suits filed every year4,5 in state and federal courts; each party may have more than one person;


  1. scores of millions of people are parties to cases pending in court; e.g., the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 has affected millions of people on the coastal as well as inland states, many of whom are still battling it out in the courts;



  1. even more millions of parties deem that their cases were decided wrongly or wrongfully; e.g., the Walmart class action involved two million plaintiffs, all of them disappointed when the Supreme Court decided against them(ol:85§3); even more millions of people are critical of the Supreme Court for having become politicized, deciding the 2000 Gore v. Bush election, and protective of big business at the expense of small business, employees, consumers, and even our democracy, especially after its decision in Citizens United; and


  1. the even greater number of people connected with those parties and who have suffered injury in fact as a result of judges’ wrongdoing, e.g., friends and family, employees and employers, creditors and debtors, service providers, such as restaurants, hotels, car rentals, etc.


  1. This is the optimal time(ol:196§F) for the proposed business because it can attract the support of people who are at the top of politics and getting extensive media coverage: presidential candidates(ol:261§§C,D).


  1. They are in an unprecedentedly crowded field: 15 and counting. Each of them needs to stand out of the pack and become the recognized champion of a popular cause, lest he or she not survive the early primaries, after which donations to those in the bottom tier will dry up; disillusioned volunteers will go elsewhere; and the media will stop covering them.


  1. Each presidential candidate can turn the exposure of judges’ wrongdoing and the advocacy of judicial reform(jur:158§§6-8) into a central issue of his or her platform and thereby draw support from that huge untapped voting bloc: dissatisfied users and victims of the legal system.


  1. The latter have been abused by the judges who disregarded the facts and the law in their cases. They are passionate about exposing their abusers, vindicating their rights, and obtaining compensation. For them it is personal, a quest for justice. They have three key demands for the candidates:


  1. take a public, unequivocal stance on judges’ unaccountability in defiance of the democratic tenet in ‘government, not of men, but by the rule of law’ol:5fn6: Nobody Is Above the Law;


  1. expose those candidates and politicians(ol:231§3) who recommended, nominated, and confirmed(jur:77§§5,6) judicial candidates and have held them unaccountable as ‘our men and women on the bench’; candidates, such as the governors who have never been members of Congress, will gain the most from impugning the honesty of candidates who have connived (jur:88§§a-c) with wrongdoing justices(71§4) and judges213 against the public interest; and


  1. 1) ask his or her staff to investigate judges’ wrongdoing;


2) encourage journalists to join a Watergate-like(jur:4¶¶10-14) generalized media investigation that turns the issue into a scandal(ol:199§§H,I) and keeps the candidate on the news as accuser-in-chief; and


3) call for nationally televised hearings(ol:201§J), similar to those of the Senate Watergate Committee –which led to President Nixon’s resignation on August 8, 1974– and the 9/11 Commission.


  1. The candidate who meets those demands will become the victims’ Champion of Justice(ol:201§ K) and receive their most vocal, practical, and financial support. The more intense the national outrage at judges’ wrongdoing, the more dissatisfied users/victims will rally behind the Champion.


  1. That outrage will validate the work of a new(jur:2§2) media breed: judicial unaccountability reporters(ol:146). They can expect to win a Pulitzer Prize and other rewards(ol:3§F) for causing a scandalous, politically charged version of what already happened once:


  1. Life magazine revealed the financial improprieties of Justice Abe Fortas, and although they did not amount even to wrongdoing, he had to resign on 14May69(jur:92§d). These reporters can pick up where The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico left off their series of articles107a suspecting Then-Judge, Now-Justice Sotomayor of concealing assets107c, and pursue the leads(ol:194§E) of her case as a Trojan horse into the circumstances(ol:191¶6) enabling wrongdoing in the Federal Judiciary.


  1. Recruiters who think and proceed strategically can earn money and national recognition by forming a team of journalists(jur:xlvi§H) and lawyers who further investigate the J. Sotomayor case and either persuade one or more candidates to make a denunciation like Emile Zola’s I accuse! (jur:98§2) or make it themselves at a conference(ol:253) to which they invite all candidates.


  1. Recruiters will thus make an investment that will produce dividends throughout the 2016 Campaign and thereafter. It will become their niche market.


  1. So I offer to present(ol:197§G) this business proposal to you and all of them.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Dare trigger history(* >jur:7§5)…and you may enter it.





Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.

Judicial Discipline Reform

New York City,,,


NOTE 1: Given the interference with Dr. Cordero’s email and e-cloud storage accounts described at * >ggl:1 et seq., when emailing him, copy the above bloc of his email accounts and paste it in the To: line of your email so as to enhance the chances of your email reaching him at least at one of those addresses.



NOTE 2: Watch the interview with Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq., by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, on the issue of exposing judges’ wrongdoing and bringing about judicial reform, at:


Dr. Cordero: U.S. Judiciary goes Rogue – 99.82% complaints vs. Judges are dismissed; U.S. Justice Sonia Sotomayor hides assets with impunity.


NOTE 3: All my replies are shared with the group that I am trying to form to expose wrongdoing judges and advocate judicial reform, and the national public that I am trying to inform thereof.


If you wish to engage in private communications with me, you must first retain my consulting services; otherwise, your communications are part of your contribution to advancing our common cause of judicial wrongdoing exposure and reform.


NOTE 4: For consulting services, I charge $350 per hour plus expenses and incidentals to be deducted from a retainer of $7,500-$10,000 paid in advance.


The fee for an appearance as an expert witness in a court in New York City is $1,500 per half a day in addition to preparation and any written statement for it, transportation, and any other expenses and incidentals. The fee for appearing in a court outside New York City is determined by the amount of time that it will require plus transportation, hotel, meals, and communication expenses and incidentals.


You can determine the quality of my legal research and writing by examining the articles that I post and my study of the Federal Judiciary and its judges, the models for their state counterparts(* >jur:1):


To evaluate my oral advocacy skills, please watch the interview referred to in NOTE 2 above.



If you are seeking pro bono legal assistance, kindly see my suggestions for finding it(* >ol:131). I cannot afford to work for free for all the people across the U.S. who request my assistance.


I trust that I am helping all victims of wrongdoing judges and advocates of honest judiciaries with my analysis, strategy, and proposals for action in my articles. But attaining our objectives requires that we all join forces to implement those proposals. Will you join in your own as well as the national public interest? If so, please let me know.


Published by

Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.

Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq., is a doctor of law and researcher-writer attorney. He is a member of the New York State Bar and lives in New York City. He earned his doctorate of law from the University of Cambridge in England, where his thesis dealt with the integration of the banking industry in the European Union. He earned a French law degree from La Sorbonne in Paris, where he concentrated on currency stability and the abuse of dominant positions by entities in commerce, similar to American antitrust law. He also earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan, where he concentrated on the use of computers and their networks to maximize workflow efficiency and productivity. Dr. Cordero worked as a researcher-writer at the preeminent publisher of analytical legal commentaries, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing, a member of West/Thomson Reuters. There he wrote commentaries on the regulation of financial activities under federal law. Currently at Judicial Discipline Reform, he is promoting the creation of a multidisciplinary academic and business team to advocate judges’ accountability and discipline reform. The need for such reform is based on his analysis of official statistics, reports, and statements of the Federal Judiciary and its judges, who are the models for their state counterparts. That analysis is set forth in his study of the Federal Judiciary and its judges, the models for their state counterparts: Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing: Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting; Dr. Cordero offers to make a presentation at a video conference or in person to you and your colleagues of the evidence of judicial wrongdoing so that you may learn how to join the effort to expose it and bring about judicial reform. Contact him at Dare trigger history!(* >jur:7§5)…and you may enter it. *

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