The SCt. abortion draft opinion has set the mood for national outrage to explode by the media exposing justices and judges running the Federal Judiciary as a racketeering enterprise


Proposal to Reuters, WSJ, WP, and all other media outlets
for a joint venture at the most propitious time:
when the Supreme Court’s leaked abortion draft opinion
has set the mood for national outrage to explode as a result of
the exposure of justices’ and judges’ participation in
abuse of power and financial criminality
so coordinated and widespread as to amount to
their running the Federal Judiciary as a racketeering enterprise:
“Scandal sells” and can win Pulitzer Prizes by leading to
the serial resignation of justices, judges, and courts;
the loss of public trust in the Federal Judiciary that brings it down;
the calling of the constitutional convention already petitioned by 34 states;
and a new constitution by today’s We the People


Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England
M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School
D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris
Judicial Discipline Reform
New York City , ,

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A. The foundation for exposing judges’ and justices’ abuse of power and financial criminality

  1. The leaked draft opinion by Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito revealing that a majority of the Court favors overturning Roe v. Wade has caused national jubilation but even more outrage.
  2. That outrage would pale by comparison to that which can be provoked and overcome much jubilation by a series of responsible and principled articles, such as those already written and available for review(Appendix 6§A) or that can be written on commission(Appendix 6§B), exposing how the justices, who are unaccountable and not even held to any ethics code, run and condone the running of the Federal Judiciary as a racketeering enterprise.
  3. There is solid basis for raising these charges against justices and judges. To begin with, there is the series of articles that The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) began to publish on September 28, 2021, under the initial title “131 Federal Judges Broke the Law by Hearing Cases Where They Had a Financial Interest”.
    …….a. Another article in the series was published on November 2, 2021, titled “Hidden Interests – Federal Judge Files Recusal Notices in 138 Cases After WSJ Queries. [U.S. Chief District Judge of the Eastern District of Texas] Rodney Gilstrap initially argued he didn’t violate financial-conflicts law”;,,,
    …….b. The judges who failed to recuse themselves in order to grab money necessarily engaged, lest they incriminate themselves, in inside trading, fraud, concealment of assets, tax evasion, and money laundering. Those are crimes. They are complex and require coordination. When judges committed them as principals or condoned them as accessories, they became the judicial class that turned the Federal Judiciary into a ‘racketeer influenced and corrupt organization’(Cf. Title 18 of the U.S. Code of federal law, section 1961 (18 U.S.C. §1961)).
    …….c. When a chief judge engages in such systematic abuse of power and financial criminality, how strongly do his fellow judges feel justified and encouraged by his example in committing any and all sorts of abuse and crimes so that abuse and criminality become their judiciary’s institutionalized way of doing business?
    …….d. Today journalists must ask the famous question that Sen. Howard Baker, the ranking minority member of the Senate Watergate Committee, asked of every witness at the Watergate hearings to find out what President Nixon knew about the Watergate affair(paragraph 14 infra), adapting it so:

1) What did Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., know about the abuse and criminality of his fellow judges, whom he is supposed to supervise, and when did he know it?

2) What did Justice Samuel A. Alito, the circuit justice assigned under 28 U.S.C. §42, to, and with supervisory duties over, the Fifth Circuit, which includes Texas, know about it, and when did he know it?

3) What did Justice Clarence Thomas know about his wife’s effort to overturn the 2020 election results; and when did he know it? Let him “deal with it” and with his failure to report in his annual financial disclosure reports her earnings(jur:72§b).

4) What did Then-Judge, Now-Justice Sonia Sotomayor know about the DeLano case, over which she presided and which so clearly “beyond a reasonable doubt” incriminated her in a cover-up of a bankruptcy fraud scheme that it was suppressed from the documents on her submitted to the Senate Committee on Judicial Nominations dealing with her confirmation to the Supreme Court; and when did she know it(jur:65§§1-3).

5) What did President Joe Biden know through the FBI secret vetting reports about the participation in judges’ abuse and criminality, or their cover-up, by former Chief Judge Merrick Garland of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, now his Attorney General, and Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who sits in that Circuit; and when did he know it?

  1. Thomson Reuters, on the strength of its 2,500+ journalists and 600+ photojournalists, can scoop the story of the justices’ abuse and criminality. It already dare publish on June 30, 2020, the first of its three-part report “The Teflon Robe” on its massive investigation of state judges led by and It found that “hardwired judicial corruption” intertwines state judges and the state commissions on judicial performance that are duty-bound to supervise and discipline them.
    a. Reuters asked readers to send it their stories of abuse by judges…and it was “inundated” with them. This goes to showing that people who have suffered or witnessed judges’ abuse want to tell their story to the largest public possible.
  2. The mood for exposing the justices’ unaccountability and their consequent riskless abuse of power and financial criminality is manifest in Congress. This is shown by The Hill, in its article “House panel to explore impeachment [of Justice Clarence Thomas], judicial ethics in wake of Ginni Thomas texts” by Emily Brooks, published on April 2, 2022. It reported that:
           a. “Representative Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), the chairman of the House Judiciary courts subcommittee, …last year introduced the Supreme Court Ethics Act to implement a judicial code of conduct that applies to the Supreme Court. Jones co-led the Twenty-First Century Courts Act, which would similarly implement a code of conduct for the justices.
    b. “He said, “Recent reports that the text messages of a justice’s spouse urging the overturning of a free and fair election may have been at issue in a case in front [sic] the Supreme Court — but that the justice did not recuse himself from the case — is just the latest and particularly egregious example in an unfortunately long list of illustrations as to why Supreme Court justices need to follow a formal code of ethics,” Johnson told The Hill. “I have been calling for this sort of reform for years, and I am encouraged to see a large, bipartisan majority of the public in favor of this long overdue legislation…Johnson called for Thomas’s resignation.”
    6. Strickland v. U.S., no. 21-1346, is a civil case where a decision was handed down by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit on April 26, 2022. It is unprecedented, for it holds that the Federal Judiciary and its officials are suable on grounds of the 5th and 14th Amendments due process and equal protection of the law clauses, as well as specific acts of Congress. Hence, it reversed the outright dismissal by the trial court, which had invoked judicial immunity –a doctrine self-servingly conjured up by judges themselves in defiance of the Constitution– and remanded for further proceedings.
    …….a. Strickland opens the door for all abusees joining forces to collectively demand compensation from the Federal Judiciary and the justices themselves. Imagine the amount of business generated if Thomson Reuters, I, and other media outlets showed the abusees how to demand such compensation.

B. What I bring to the joint venture

  1. I established Judicial Discipline Reform. Its website is at There I post articles with law research findings and legal strategy to which the national public has access. Those articles have attracted so many webvisitors and appealed to them so positively that as of June 8, 2022, the number of them who had become subscribers was 44,206+.(Appendix 3)
    …….a. Do you know of any law firm, let alone a lawyer, that has so many subscribers to their website?
  2. The subscribers to my site have found my articles appealing although the articles are intellectually demanding and written in long form. It is reasonable to assume that the subscribers are mostly the type of highly educated and well-off readers of such top publications as The New York Times and its Sunday Edition, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, TIME Magazine, The Atlantic, The Boston Globe, etc.
  3. These subscribers can afford the books and services of Thomson Reuters and other publishers, just as their lawyers can.
    10. The general public too, including pro ses, is attracted to the website and can patronize its sponsor’s advertisement there thanks to the concrete, reasonable, and feasible ways in which I have proposed that people take action in their own interest; e.g.:
    …….a. the two-phase method for writing their own story;
    …….b. how to use legal sources of information for brief writing(see a list of them at Appendix 6§C);
    …….c. the folly of pro ses improvising themselves as lawyers;
    …….d. how to seek free legal assistance.

    11. Judicial Discipline Reform, its articles, and site rely on a three-volume study of judges and their judiciaries, the product of professional law research and writing, and strategic thinking. It holds the materials corresponding to the (blue references) herein; and is titled and downloadable thus* :

Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability and
Consequent Riskless Abuse of Power:

Pioneering the news and publishing field of
judicial unaccountability reporting

 Open the downloaded files using Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available for free.

Volume 3: >from OL3:1144-1484+

112. Moreover, I bring to the joint venture a plan of also concrete, realistic, and feasible actions that media outlets and I can undertake right away and that is reasonably calculated to be financially and reputationally beneficial for all venturers. It includes an investigative plan with an abundance of leads(OL:194§E).

C From judicial resignations, an institutional crisis, a constitutional convention, to a new constitution by today’s We the People

113. Reuters, WSJ, The Washington Post (WP), and all other media outlets can do so much better than merely sit back and watch as spectators how other publishers and Congress scoop the exposure of judges’ and justices’ commission or condonation of abuse of power and financial criminality, just as Politico scooped the abortion draft opinion. They have the means of taking the reins of the investigative bandwagon and set out towards Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting.
114. The Washington Post published with courage and persistence a series of articles that set in motion a generalized media investigation of the crimes that President Nixon and ‘All his Men’ committed by organizing and covering up the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate building in Washington, DC, on June 17, 1972, to commit political espionage. WP was instrumental in forcing Nixon to resign and causing ‘All his Men’ to go to jail. For that, WP became the symbol of excellence in journalism in the public interest, in general, and investigative journalism, in particular.

115. Today, Reuters, WSJ, WP, and all other media outlets can do much more than just bring down a group of men who went rogue. Rather, they can expose how a whole branch of government, the Federal Judiciary, has gone rogue to become a racketeering enterprise.

116. They can inform the national public about, and so outrage it at, judges’ and justices’ abuse and criminality as to stir up the public, having lost its trust in their integrity and honesty, to demand the resignation of judges, justices, and even a whole court, such as the Supreme Court.

117. This inform and outrage strategy is realistic, for the public is strongest during primaries and in view of elections. Then it wields its enormous power to donate money, volunteer as campaign workers, spread positive word of mouth, and vote.

a. Ironically, this strategy is unintentionally validated by Justice Thomas, who recognized the dire impact on the Supreme Court of the loss of trust in it when he said in connection with the leaked abortion draft opinion: “”When you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I’m in, it changes the institution fundamentally. You begin to look over your shoulder…What happened at the court was tremendously bad,…I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them. And then I wonder when they’re gone or destabilized, what we’re going to have as a country.” Clarence Thomas says Supreme Court leak has eroded trust in institution; Robert Barnes; The Washington Post; May 14, 2022.

b. The likely answer to his rhetorical question is ‘we are going to have a summer of rage’. That is precisely the mood that can fuel the series of events leading to those discussed hereunder.

118. There is also precedent for the inform and outrage strategy in the forced resignations of(OL3:1423§c):

…….a. Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas on May 14, 1969;

…….b. Former Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski on December 18, 2017;

…….c. Circuit Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, the sister of President Donald Trump, who resigned from the 3rd Circuit on February 11, 2019;

…….d. Circuit Judge Robert Bork of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit had his resignation preempted by the Senate’s rejection on October 23, 1987, of his nomination to the Supreme Court. He was doomed by the public outrage that he had provoked more than a decade earlier when he carried out President’s Nixon’s order to fire Special Watergate Prosecutor Archibald Cox in the Saturday Night Massacre on October 20, 1973.

119. Public outrage is a powerful force very difficult to resist. The outrage unleashed by the exposure of justices’ and judges’ abuse and criminality can set off an institutional crisis: Which of the other two branches would dare hold judges accountable, who could retaliate by holding their laws and even their electoral programs unconstitutional or interpret them so expansively or restrictively as to render them ineffective?(jur:23fn17a)

220. That crisis can force the occurrence of what 34 states have petitioned Congress to do since April 2, 2014, but its members will not do voluntarily, lest they lose their privileges and power: call a constitutional convention in accordance with the amending provisions of Article V of the Constitution.

221. A constitutional convention ran away with its mandate and instead of reforming the Articles of Confederation that the Second Continental Congress had approved on November 1, 1777, cast them aside. The convention, likewise made up only of white landed Christian free men, drafted the current Constitution, which was ratified by the 13 states in 1789.

122. Public outrage has been building up since the eruption of the MeToo! and BLM movements, the protests against social and economic inequality, the resentment against the Covid mandates and discrimination of Asian and Pacific Islanders communities, the fast-intensifying animosity among supporters and opponents of the leaked abortion draft opinion.

.23. That outrage can reach its paroxysm and clear the way to the irrepressible will of the living today to break free from the now dead hands of those who wrote the Constitution 233 years ago. Never conceived to deal with a world that their heads could not even imagine, that Constitution is twisted to read one way at one time and the opposite way at another time by nine unelected justices…who even unaccountably and risklessly participate in, or cover up, their and their colleagues’ abuse of power and criminality.

Enough is enough!
We won’t take any abuse by anybody anymore.

224. Their outrage casting aside the current Constitution even before they become assembled in a constitutional convention, today’s men, women, and LBGTQs, rich and poor, those of faith and no faith, of any color, whether in cities, suburbs, rural areas, and Indian land, workers at desks or with tools in their hands, from young adults to senior citizens, all of them can choose for themselves as the sovereign source of all public power the fundamental rules by which they want to live. They can author the Code of Governance of Today’s We the People.

D. First steps toward the key objectives of the business venture

225. The media outlets that are instrumental in launching this chain of events can become for generations the symbol of excellence in journalism and its power to bring about transformative change in the public interest. Such recognition can begin with winning Pulitzer Prizes and making money, for “Scandal sells”.

226. You all and I can in our own financial and reputational interest take the lead by Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting. Our audience will be, in general, the national public in voting mood, and, in particular, the scores of millions of people who have suffered or witnessed judges’ abuse of power and financial criminality.

227. The first steps of the joint venture consist in both the serial publication by you of the following articles that I have written and can edit upon your review of them(Appendix 6§A); and others that I can write on commission, whether along the lines of my sample of subjects(Appendix 6§B) or a subject proposed by you; and the further investigation to follow the leads that they contain; e.g.:

…….a. judges’ interception of people’s emails and mail to detect and suppress those of their critics; and its investigation by forensic Information Technology experts;

…….b. the mathematical demonstration that the overwhelming majority of briefs are not read by judges, but rather are disposed of to lighten their workload by their having clerks rubberstamp reasonless, unresearched, fiat-like 5¢ dumping forms; and its further statistical strengthening by auditing judges’ decisions, most of which they post to their courts’ websites, whose addresses can be found through the federal court finder;

…….c. the development of advanced statistical, linguistic, and literary research software to analyze all sorts and vast amounts of writings to detect the most persuasive kind of evidence: patterns and schemes of abuse;

…….d. the Follow the Money! and Follow the Wire! investigations that apply forensic research techniques, e.g., Fraud and Forensic Accounting(jur:102§a; OL:194§E) to discover assets that judges have grabbed, concealed, evaded taxes on, and money laundered(OL:1); and determine their illegal use to do so of government property, such as the Federal Judiciary’s vast, national digital network and expertise; cf. CM/ECF (Case Management/Electronic Case Filing) and PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records);

…….e. judges’ abuse of the congressional grant to them of self-discipline authority under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980(28 U.S.C. §§351-364) by dismissing 100% of complaints filed against any federal judge and denying 100% of petitions to review those dismissals, thus institutionalizing judges’ implicit or explicit complicit agreement for reciprocal exoneration from all complaints: ‘Today I exempt you from the complaint against you, and tomorrow you exempt me and my friends from any complaint against us, no matter the nature, extent, and gravity of the abuse complained-about’;

…….f. the investigation of Supreme Court justices and congressional leaders, which can benefit from the abundance of leads that I have collected(OL:194§E; jur:65§B).

228. The business venture can also enhance my site technologically into a clearinghouse and a research center. This will allow people to post their stories of abuse by judges that they have suffered or witness as well as their complaints against judges already or to be filed; and to research them for patterns and schemes of abuse of power and financial criminality that but for coordination among judges and between them and their cronies would not have been organized and become operational.

229. The venture can enable people to tell their stories to the national public at unprecedented citizens hearings. The latter will be organized by Reuters, WSJ, WP, other media outlets, their journalists, and professors and students. They will be held at university auditoriums, media stations, and via video conference to make it inexpensive for the largest number of people to tell their stories and virtually attend the citizens hearings.

…….a. Those hearings will be a source of invaluable leads for researchers to further their investigation of justices’ and judges’ abuse and criminality. The hearings can be expected to become a self-reinforcing research mechanism that makes any investment in mounting the learning curve pay off and become long-term financially and reputationally profitable.

E. My offer to make a presentation on this proposal for a joint venture

330. I offer to present this proposal for a joint venture via video conference and, if in NY City, in person. Preview its key features by reviewing my webinar and its slides.

331. To schedule the presentation use my contact information below.

332. To invite people to attend the presentation and send you their complaints and stories of judges’ abuse that they have suffered or witnessed  you can as widely as possible share this article with all your friends, relatives, workmates, etc., and post it to social media, such as:

Facebook,   YouTube,   LinkedIn,   Instagram,   Google Plus,   Pinterest,   Reddit,   Snapchat,   WhatsApp

 Tweet: Tell journalists your story of justices’ & judges’ abuse, which can lead to citizens hearings, their resignations, the Federal Judiciary’s fall & Today’s We the People constitution

333. To encourage the investigation of justices and judges by top journalists(OL3:1452§1) and the law professors who were members of the Biden Commission on the Reform of the Supreme Court, place each of the following blocs of email addresses in the To: and the cc: box, respectively, of this email so that they too receive this article. Then  every day go to your “Sent” folder, where a copy of the emails that you sent is found, open it, click “Reply All” and “Send“.

To: [journalists],,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

cc: [professors],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

334. This is an opportunity for you and the rest of the media, so unjustly denigrated as “the enemy of the people”, to redeem yourselves by informing the people and channeling their outrage so as to enable them to assert their status as the Masters of all public servants, including justices and judges, entitled to exercise their authority as such to hold them accountable for their abuse of the public power entrusted to them and liable to compensate the victims of their abuse.

335. By so doing, we can become financially and reputationally rewarded not only with Pulitzer Prizes, but also by being nationally recognized by a grateful People as their Champions of Justice.

F. Every meaningful cause needs resources for its advancement;
none can be continued, let alone advanced, without money

336. Lip service advances nothing; but it continues to enable the abusers.

Put your money where your
outrage at abuse and
quest for justice are.

337. Support the professional law research and writing, and strategic thinking at:

Judicial Discipline Reform

338. DONATE by making a deposit or an online transfer through either the Bill Pay feature of your online account or Zelle

from your account

to TD Bank account # 43 92 62 52 45, routing # 260 13 673;

or Citi Bank account # 4977 59 2001, routing # 021 000 089.

Dare trigger history!…and you may enter it.


Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Judicial Discipline Reform
2165 Bruckner Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10472-6506
tel. +1(718)827-9521 , ,